Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth," Controversial?

In a blog posting by Greenpeace, the story from the U.K. about the controversial nature of Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth," was represented . The judge in the case finally ruled that the movie can be featured in the school environment, with access to other information concerning the contentious sections of the movie, provided. Representation of differing views is fair, however scientific consensus surrounding global warming has been reached. During a time when the general public may not know what to believe, these contradicting views may have a negative influence on public consensus surrounding this issue. However, not allowing access to such views is not the correct path either. Heightened awareness surrounding global warming must occur.

Some examples of the scientific consensus includes the connection between rise in carbon dioxide levels, in direct coherence with temperature rise overtime. Cynthia Kuo, Craig Lindberg, and David J. Thomson theorized a relationship between carbon dioxide and temperature. Keeling utilized models and measurements taken at the pinnacle of Mauna Loa beginning in 1958. These measurements confirmed the theory of Kuo, Lindberg, and Thomson. Scientific consensus surrounds the unity present between carbon dioxide and temperature, evident in the Keeling Curve.

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