Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Harnessing Lightning

In an NY Times online magazine article, the concept of lightning as an alternative energy source arose. In this new "greening" age, various different alternative energy sources are being tested. Different alternative energy sources in existence include wind energy, solar energy, bio-fuels (ethanol), geothermal energy, tide energy, nuclear energy, and hydro energy. Lightning is a new concept. The company Alternate Energy Holdings, bought a conceptual project to test this past summer in Houston, Texas. Although the testing team did not succeed, they assert the need for more funding and more testing. Others believe trying to harness lightning is not practical.

The fact that the team who actually tested this design believes that with more time and money, the project can be successful, says something. More time must be given to this team, since alternative energy sources are going to become quite important. Thousands of different ideas and concepts involving alternative energy sources are in existence. An explosion of science, technology, and money must take place in order for these projects to become actualized. However, these breakthrough happen gradually through trial and error with enactment of public policy to reach goals.

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